3 Ways To Be A Better Traveller, Than Just A Tourist

On the surface, both sound like the same thing, but Kesari Tours knows that there is a world of difference between a tourist and a traveler. While a tourist is mainly interested in clicking pictures of all the must-see sights, a traveler is more interested in experiencing a country and its culture from the inside. Being a tourist isn’t necessarily a bad thing but when you can return home richer with a wealth of travel experiences, it makes sense to be a traveler at heart.1. mountainGetting Familiar

So, you’re all set to discover Japan with Kesari Tours but what’s to stop you from beginning your voyage before you even set foot in the Land of the Rising Sun? Use the internet, guidebooks, libraries or the online forum to learn about Japan’s beautiful cities, imperial palaces, mountainous national parks and stunning shrines and temples. Do lay your hands on novels set in Japan (The Tale of Genji, Memoirs of a Geisha) or biographies of some of its renowned figures. Listen to local music and try picking up language basics, as well. As you become familiar with Japan and its unique culture, you will be even more in tune with life there when you arrive.2 imperial palaceSavor the Experience

Travel is about relishing the myriad experiences. In order to fully enjoy the pleasure of discovering the vast and wonderful New Zealand, one needs to take it slow and easy. Rushing around trying to see all the sights is not the answer! Even as you take in NZ’s many attractions, its splendid lakes, glaciers, national parks and cities, do make time to sit at an art gallery musing over the paintings you like, or by a pond, watching people go about their lives. Spend time doing things that truly touch you, enliven you… and your vacation will be one to truly treasure.3. milford sound newzealandGo Local

Traveling to the beautiful Himalayan kingdoms of Bhutan and Nepal and missing the chance to interact with its people would be a missed opportunity! Whether you are visiting ancient monasteries or touring the local bazaars with Kesari Tours, do make an effort to chat with the local people. They might not understand every word you say, but there’s a lot that a smile and a phrase book can communicate! Chatting with the locals and learning the way of life of these simple yet extraordinary human beings can be a very enriching experience.4.Himalayans mountains of bhutan
